This holiday season, help support families by donating new, unwrapped blankets and toys. We recommend blankets sized 60" x 80" or larger. You can also explore our Amazon wish list. Items purchased through there will be sent to our Hillcrest campus: Drop off at the Hillcrest or South Bay campuses. Donation deadline is December 18, with distribution on December 21. There are volunteer opportunities! Contact [email protected] if you are interested in helping with the drive or the food pantry. Click on the flyer to see a bigger version!
Dining 4 Dollars is our beloved community-building fundraising auction of events to be offered between January 2025 and May 2025. Bidding is open through Sunday, December 1st. Past events have included luxury Air B&B stays, amazing dining experiences, valuable professional service packages, goat adventures and much more. Learn about all of the current offerings at our D4$ page or go ahead and ... Go to the auction site to bid today. For the past year, our Partner Congregation in Brassó, Romania, has been hard at work on a substantial "floor-to-ceiling" renovation of their sanctuary. Meanwhile, all services have been held in their social hall—something that will sound familiar to long-time First UU members, who will recall meeting in Bard Hall and in a tent during our own renovation. It was just September 15 when they were finally able to hold a "moving back in" dedication, presided over by the Unitarian Bishop (see photo).
Throughout this period, they have kept up with regular church needs as well as their community food and outreach programs. In addition, Rev. Benedek has been serving as an assistant to the Bishop, meaning his days are filled with meetings and other duties, while much of the pastoral work has been carried out by Partner Minister Rev. Imola, who is also expecting a baby soon! Thus, our recent gift from the Generosity Offerings could not have come at a more helpful time. From Rev. Imola: "Thank you so very much for the support of your congregation, both material and spiritual!" Dan Ratelle, Partner Church Committee Click any image for a larger view. In August and September of 2024, the crew passed out over 125 waters and well over 100 burritos. Ten young adults prepared the burritos and six of us distributed the them together. ~ Lara Anderson, Youth and Young Adult Coordinator Click any image for a larger view. Click any image for a larger view.
Saturday, October 12, 9 am-1 pm, Hillcrest Campus
Join us for a transformative morning focused on healing our bodies, minds, and spirits. Engage in empowering workshops guided by leaders in practices including mindfulness, simple living, soul collage, playful music-making, wandering in nature, creative writing, embodied healing, singing meditation, Nia™, and more. Connect with others in a supportive community, explore new practices, and embark on a journey towards enhanced well-being. We will have youth-friendly activities and childcare. Light breakfast provided. Don't miss this opportunity to embrace a path to healing! This is a free event but you must register to attend. Please register by Wednesday, October 9. Board of Trustees - all candidates were voted in with at least a 91.53% approval.
Thank you for your participation in the voting process Valerie Jaques, Board President Everardo Aguilar, Past President On April 23, the OSF Steering Team held its second meeting with updates shared.
Deferred Maintenance Update: Work has begun on a spreadsheet of room-by-room information to assess our deferred maintenance status. Once completed, a Facilities Condition Assessment will take place—sometime in May. Real Estate Update (part of both “Go” and “Redevelop/Share”): The commercial real estate professional used for our Stay/Go process in 2019 has been contacted and will work with us again. In addition to seeking potential new locations for us to consider, commercial developers will be contacted to get their input on interest in working on a redevelopment process with the congregation. Two team members will meet with St. Paul’s Project Manager prior to approaching the developer of their project. Additionally, the OSF team will reach out to non-profit organizations who may be interested in partnering with us. Use/Non-use of First UU Facilities: A review of our calendar has been completed to understand the level of use and non-use of our facilities and begin thinking how we might make better use of our rooms/facility if the decision is to stay. What are our actual needs? How can we use our space more efficiently throughout the week? Ensuring South Bay’s Needs Are Considered: Folding in information about South Bay’s needs is an important aspect for the team to include in its work. Join us on Thursday, April 25 at 6pm in Bard Hall for our Community Passover Seder. Led by Marshall Voit and the Worship Team, we will join together in song, story, and a ritual meal to commemorate the Jewish exodus from slavery in Egypt. The church will provide all ritual food items, drinks, and a light dessert. Please bring a dish to share at our vegetarian, kosher-for-Passover pot luck. Please make sure your recipes avoid the following ingredients: meat or meat products (dairy is ok); bread or flour, including wheat, spelt, barley, oats, and rye; beer and most liquor. Rice and beans are a gray area; you may include them, but please label your dish upon arrival for anyone who abstains from those ingredients on Passover. Quinoa is fine. Here’s a guide to preparing kosher-for-Passover food. Please RSVP to [email protected] by Monday, April 22. Thank you, and chag Pesach sameach, have a happy Passover! Note: This information has been sent as an eblast and has been published in the April 2024 First Words.
One of the congregation’s Developmental Goals is to “[d]ecide whether to remain in our Hillcrest campus or sell the property and relocate.” That work had begun before the pandemic and has been on hold since 2020. The Board and Rev. Justine promised the congregation the discussion would be addressed this church year. As a first step, at a congregational meeting on January 28th, our ministers led us in a conversation where a third possibility was introduced—to redevelop the Hillcrest campus for joint use with another entity (which could be UCSD). The next step has been to establish a team to oversee/coordinate a process leading us to a decision. 12-04-2023 - A very big thank you to @TeamYouTube for helping to restore our YouTube channel. We are extremely grateful. Follow us at @firstuusd.
By Robie Evans, Director of Operations, [email protected]
On Friday, November 10, 2023, First UU San Diego was notified by @YouTube that our YouTube channel had been removed. We were terminated based on findings under their Community Guidelines Policies which include: Spam, deceptive practices & Scams policies, defined as:
After reviewing these policies in detail, we’ve made two separate appeals letting them know that we have NEVER knowingly done anything in violation of the Spam, Deceptive Practices & Scams policies in the many, many years of publishing our videos on YouTube. We believe this removal was in error and our case needs to be reviewed by a human. We also believe that an algorithm perpetuated this removal, and if this is the case, they will need to humanly re-review the video(s) in question. In trying to determine what might have caused this termination, the only thing we’ve come up with is perhaps someone with malicious intent reported one or more of our videos to YouTube. We’re hoping this wasn’t the case, but rather an algorithm issue. To our further chagrin, once we put in an appeal to @YouTube, we were catapulted into a vicious cycle of automated replies, automated admonitions, and all-around “how do I get a real person to answer/help me?” Yes, it is extremely frustrating. I promise to be my wonderful, charming self if I could only exchange some sort of communication with a living, breathing human being. Don’t get me wrong. We absolutely LOVE @YouTube! And, we promise upon re-instatement of our YouTube channel, we vow to be extra diligent in our handling of our videos in this important streaming platform and hope to enjoy many, many more years with @YouTube! Please, @YouTube, if someone from your company reads this, please email me so we can work this out. We would love to hear from you. Here’s my email: [email protected] Thanking you in advance for your prompt communication! Dear Ones of First UU, It is with a heavy heart that we write to tell you of the death of Rev. Dr. Carolyn Owen-Towle, beloved minister emerita of this congregation. Carolyn experienced an inoperable aortic tear late last week and her status declined rapidly. Tom gathered the family and brought Carolyn home with hospice for her final days. She died on Monday evening, surrounded by love. Tom is doing as well as can be expected and he expresses his appreciation for our love and prayers, welcomes our emails and cards, but asks that we hold off on calls or visits for the time being. Do you have an antique, piece of art, or a collectible that you would like to re-home for a good cause? Are you downsizing? Are you a fabulous artist? We need your donations! How It Works:
The South Bay Quincenera is such a joyful occasion!
This campus, in this location, was born of our congregation’s desire to put ourselves in a community where we could do local social justice work. Our South Bay Food Pantry was born from the marriage of that yearning and a community need I experienced when I taught at an elementary school we can walk to from here. A Special Message from Rev. Justine Sullivan, Developmental Lead Minister I have spent the last few days, as I imagine many of you have, reading about and watching news accounts of the horrific violence that is occurring in Israel and the surrounding areas. Many of us have loved ones with direct ties to the affected area. All of us are heartbroken by the terrible loss of life and the escalating bloodshed. In our congregations and across our movement, the conversations about the conflicts between Israel and her Palestinian neighbors have been difficult. As passionate people of faith, committed to justice, we must engage issues that are complicated, and which contain multiple stories and points of view. Doing so with compassion and respect is not always easy. I call for prayer for the all those caught in the crossfire, all those worried for the safety of those who have been kidnapped, all those mourning their dead. All are beloved, and we pray for their comfort and safety. We pray also for a way forward. On Wednesday, October 11, we will gather for a brief time of prayer, meditation, and song at 6:30 pm in Bard Hall. We will light a chalice, offer prayers for peace, and Marshall will lead us in song. I will offer a similar time for prayer from South Bay. On Friday, October 13, at South Bay at 6:30 pm, please join me in person or on Zoom using this link: Beloveds, at moments like this I am especially grateful to be part of a faith movement that can as Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt calls us to do “center justice as we call for peace.” And I am ever grateful to serve our faith with you. By Sara Ferguson, Pantry Volunteer At a recent early shift on a Saturday at the South Bay Food Pantry, I lift my gaze from bagging fruits and vegetables and experience a moment of bliss. I am surrounded by a vital, purposeful community of clients and volunteers pulling together to make food available to hundreds of their neighbors. The volunteers and clients around me are doing so much more than bagging produce. They tell jokes and stories. One client jogs around the parking lot to increase his fitness. Another plays jazz on his car radio. Several clients stop by to chat and admire the vegetables. I love that I am in a place where people can express all their humanity and good cheer. When the Diaper Pantry was evolving from Maureen McNair’s idea to a room stacked with cartons of diapers at the South Bay campus, Mindy Hochgesang & her son Sebastian signed on as two of its first volunteers. Since then, Mindy and Sebastian have volunteered monthly at the pantry and Mindy has taken on leadership for the Pantry’s varied needs. She’s deployed a range of skills from the interpersonal to the statistical: recruiting and training volunteers, ordering diapers, wipes and other supplies—many large cartons— from the food bank each week, scheduling volunteers from Hillcrest and South Bay to work the Sunday distribution shifts as well as scheduling volunteers to receive deliveries of diapers and supplies mid-week, documenting and communicating diaper pantry policies and procedures, maintaining the statistics that the food banks, which supply the diapers, require, and the overall coordination and communication. Mindy has been a key person in organizing the teams and assuring that all this happens every week.
By Rhea Kuhlman, Pantry Volunteer
Families come in all shapes and sizes at the Food Pantry. Some are grandparents raising their grandkids. Some are single parent households or even two parent households. Some are elderly on fixed incomes, or extended families with 3 or more generations living together. But there’s one thing these families all have in common. With San Diego rents among the highest in the nation (average $2917/month per, electricity rates the highest in the U.S. (thanks, SDG&E), and ever-rising food prices, people earning minimum wage or less cannot afford to provide nutritious food for their families. Our Summer Tardeada featuring La Rondalla de San Diego and Mariachi Victoria de San Diego was a hit! Produced by Louise Titlow and Angela Garcia-Sims, it took place out on the lower patio on July 29th was a real delight. Dancing was popular on our new portable dance floor with everyone enjoying the wonderful music, singing, and tasty food. Visitors and members alike had a great time and we're already planning to do it again next Summer. Thanks to all of the performers and everyone who worked so hard to make this event a success. Summer Tardeada Dance Party: La Rondalla de San Diego and Mariachi Victoria de San Diego - July 29th7/20/2023 2-5 pm Saturday, July 29th, 2023 Come to the inaugural Tareada by La Rondalla de San Diego elders and the young Mariachi Victoria offering a traditional afternoon dance party. Schmooze with friends and family. Dance as you like. Rondalla dancers will share tips and demonstrate dance steps to some of the songs. Enjoy free refreshments including a nacho bar, fruit, veggies and sweets. Admission is free. Registration is required, sign up for your free tickets. The 1st Source Hosted is a podcast hosted by our own Tony Bianca (Director of Lifespan Faith Formation at 1st UU San Diego) that explores spirituality, theology, the nature of church, and other aspects of life in a Unitarian Universalist Congregation. . The First Source of our UU faith calls us to seek wisdom in our direct experience of transcending mystery and wonder. In this series, you'll encounter some of that wisdom as Tony engages in conversation on a range of topics from the profound to the mundane with members of our congregation. Listen. By Rhea Kuhlman, Pantry Volunteer
While most of our Food Pantry’s clients have homes, and many have one or more jobs, a few of our clients are unsheltered. Each week, we prepare about five bags of shelf stable food for homeless people, who have special needs due to their lack of a place or equipment to cook meals or store items that need refrigeration. SummerFest Community Concert Presented in Partnership with the La Jolla Music Society - August 10th7/6/2023 7:30-9 pm Thursday, August 10th, 2023 Join us for a truly remarkable evening of music by the La Jolla Music Society's 2023 Fellowship Artists trioJEM and Quartet Integra in the acoustically-optimized, air-conditioned Meeting House at First UU Church in Hillcrest. Registration is required, sign up for your free tickets. We are looking for performers! Do you play an instrument? Juggle? Have a unique talent? We want to hear from you! This free, family-friendly event will be filled with music and performances by members and friends. Contact Louise Titlow by email at [email protected] to get involved. |
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December 2024