Who We Are
The Reproductive Action Group assures that First Church remains an active partner with other community organizations in matters concerning reproductive choice and provides the church community access to current and accurate information about reproductive rights. Reproductive justice focuses not only on access to safe and legal reproductive health care, but also the social, political, and economic inequalities across communities that historically have limited this access. As a member of the San Diego Coalition for Reproductive Justice (CRJ), we foster and maintain visibility and action within the reproductive rights/reproductive justice community. The CRJ is a collaborative group of organizations (including Planned Parenthood, ACLU, Make a Difference Fund, League of Women Voters, and others) engaged in protecting everyone’s right to make informed decisions—free from government interference—about reproductive health. The CRJ hosts the annual Roe v Wade Anniversary Celebration in January.
What We Do
In addition to monthly meetings where relevant topics are discussed and decisions about the actions our group takes are made, the Reproductive Justice Group hosts panel discussions, documentary ("Half the Sky", "Roe at Risk") and movie ("After Tiller") screenings, and other programs designed to engage the congregation in meaningful, thoughtful dialogue about this important issue and encourage action, both as individuals and as a church community. We actively support organizations such as Days for Girls, which provides sustainable sanitary hygiene supplies to girls in many countries so they don’t miss a week of school each month. Our book group selections have included "This Common Secret: My Journey as an Abortion Doctor" by Susan Wicklund and "A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power" by Jimmy Carter. Delegates at the 2012 UU General Assembly in Phoenix, AZ, selected "Reproductive Justice: Expanding Our Social Justice Calling" to be the 2012-2016 Congregational Study/Action Issue (CSAI) of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) of Congregations. In spring 2014, we offered the UUA's Reproductive Justice Curriculum for Congregations, a six-week curriculum that was facilitated by members of the Reproductive Justice Group.
Get Involved
Our meetings are generally held on the third Sunday of the month. Check The Window for details.