Programs for Junior and Senior High Youth (12-17)

Our youth program aspires towards our collective aspiration to create community, nurture spiritual growth, and act on our values to help heal the world. We meet on Sundays during the 10:00 AM Service at our Hillcrest Campus. Our youth group organizes outings and events and routinely volunteers at our sibling campus in Chula Vista. We have a book club that meets one to two times a month. We offer “Coming of Age” and “Our Whole Lives” programs seasonally. We provide opportunities for kids to connect to each other through bonding experiences to find inspiration, encouragement, and support. Our youth program is a place where everybody is welcome and valued. It's common for participants to attend for many years and foster connections that turn into lifelong bonds.
Outings & Events
Some of our events include a Book Club (which meets on campus and other locations like outdoors Balboa Park), our annual Halloween Party, indoor rock climbing excursions, group hikes, museum visits and more! We take our queue from the participants and we focus on creating youth-centric, highly-relevant opportunities to build community, learn UU values, practice leadership skills.
Youth Volunteer Programs
One of our most popular activities is volunteering for packaging and distribution shifts at the South Bay Food & Diaper Pantry. Our group has also volunteered at the San Diego Food Bank in association with the University of California at San Diego (UCSD).