We Warmly Welcome You
Within this church community, there are people who are deeply involved in supporting the structure of the church and there are people who are dedicated to healing the world through programs and activities. There are people who tend the fires of relationship, and people who nurture the hearts and minds of our young. There are also people who quietly partake of the energy and wholeness that is created here, whether member, visitor, or friend. With many paths to finding meaningful activities and people with whom to connect, here are some suggestions to get started.
Join a Wisdom Circle
A Wisdom Circle is a small group made up of six to twelve people who meet regularly in which one can experience a relational individuality that affirms the inherent worth and dignity of every person. People experience themselves, and each other, as a part of the interdependent web of existence of which we are all a part. Together, people establish communities that embody the values of justice, democracy, and human dignity. Each person is treated equitably. Each has a voice and is heard. And each person is respected for his or her own intrinsic humanity. The defining purpose of a covenant group is to bring people into right relationship with each other and with the larger world. For more information, visit the Wisdom Circles page.
Visit a Neighborhood Group
These groups strive to deepen the bonds among members and friends of the church, and help newcomers connect with others in our church community. Church members and those friendly to UU principles meet in their neighborhood area for social mixing, conversation, food and activities. For details see Neighborhood groups.
Get Involved in our Programs
Our programs are organized by Ministry Teams and each team is a collection of church volunteers who work and play together in groups to heal our planet, create positive change, and live out our liberal religious values (like smaller "tribes" within our larger church village). Together they offer programs in social justice, caring community and much more. For more info see our Programs page.
Attend an Adult Faith Formation Class
The purpose of the Adult Religious Faith Formation Program is to nurture and stimulate the religious and personal growth of the adult church community and the community at large, by offering a varied and cohesive program within the context of the larger Unitarian Universalist tradition and religious community. For more info see our Adult Faith Formation page.
Volunteer in the Children & Youth Religious Education Program
The Mission of the Children's Religious Education Program is to nurture and stimulate our children's spiritual and personal growth and to teach and model the values that hold us together as Unitarian Universalists. Classes follow a curriculum and are taught on Sunday mornings. Programs for Junior High and Senior High are run by the youth and their adult advisors, with help from the Youth/Adult Committee and the Director of Religious Education. For more info see Children's Religious Education.
Help Put on a Play with Looking Glass Theatre
Our church theatre company is dedicated to presenting theater which reflects UU beliefs and values. For twenty years, this group has been entertaining, inspiring, and educating local audiences. There are always children, youth, and adults working together in our productions. Recent productions include: "Fiddler on the Roof," "A Christmas Carol," Shaw's "Androcles and the Lion," "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," and many more. Go to our Looking Glass Theatre page.
Join a Music Group
Our wonderful adult choir adds its glorious voice to church life. The choir performs twice a month at Sunday Services and rehearses each Wednesday evening, except during the summer. Twice a year the choir performs a major choral work with instrumental accompaniment: a Service of Music prior to Christmas, and a formal evening Concert in the late spring. Auditions for choir are held each September. For details visit our Music page.
Help Create Sunday Morning
Doing Sunday volunteer work is more like volunteer play! There are many people "behind the scenes" that make Sunday happen. Once a month, for less than an hour, is usually all it takes to help create the magic and the meaning. This kind of volunteering makes an important impact on the way visitors, guests, and new members experience our faith community.
You are heartily invited to join us!
If you have questions about anything from parking to what to wear, see our Newcomers page.