On HoldThis work is currently on hold during this time of pandemic and separation. Please take care and stay safe. We hold you in our hearts.
VTF UpdatesFor the latest news, see our Visioning the Future blog posts.
Teams for Visioning the Future (VTF) Teams
This fall and winter our congregation has a unique, exciting and challenging opportunity before us. We are choosing to face this opportunity from our values and mission, and not from fear. We have three major issues that must be considered as we live out our mission in a variety of ways in the San Diego region. The issues include: our mortgage, diminishing parking lot income and UCSD’s campus remodeling and offer to purchase the Hillcrest property. In response to these issues, the Board has directed two areas of work to be done: 1) the creation of a new strategic plan, based on our values and the responses from the work led by Angela Garcia-Sims and the Revisioning team, focusing on what we Appreciate about our church and what our Dream church will be; 2) the Board has approved a new structure for congregation members to engage in the work of information gathering, planning and deliberating together about possible options regarding the Hillcrest campus. This new structure is called “Visioning the Future” (VTF).
The objective of Visioning the Future is to provide to the congregation one or more feasible recommendations for the future physical location of our Hillcrest campus, whether it remains in place, or moves to a different location. Congregation members are encouraged to engage in many aspects of the work through serving on or contacting members of various subcommittees.
There will be a Central Core Committee and four Subcommittees. The Central Core Committee will, among other tasks, help ensure communication and the scheduling of forums, monitor the VTF page on our website and serve as points of contact for the congregation. The Subcommittees are: Stay, Go (when and how), Real Estate (where to go), and Negotiations.
The Stay committee will focus on what it means to stay in this current location including mapping out a trajectory of parking and other revenues, exploring how other income might be created from other sources, assessing options with a smaller budget and what the costs of staying will include, i.e. major maintenance issues and mortgage payoff.
The Go (when and how) committee will focus on aspects of a possible move in regards to when (timing of move) and how – what would be involved to make a move (organ, Memorial Wall, Memorial Garden, etc.) This committee will also need to consider our South Bay campus and its needs (becoming too large for current space). The Go (where) committee would assist in the search for a new location and work closely with the Real Estate and Go committees. It’s understood that a potential place would need to be found before the Central Core committee could make such a recommendation to the congregation.
The Real Estate committee will focus on where and logistics of the move.
The Negotiations team is already formed and its work is to simply negotiate the best possible deal IF the congregation decides to go. This team cannot make any agreement or decision; it’s only able to create a possible informed option should the congregation choose to do this.
We know we have what it takes to explore together, learn together and deliberate together to create a church that continues our legacy and expands our mission in new and bolder ways. ~ Rhiannon Smith, Board President and Rev. Kathleen Owens, Lead Minister
The objective of Visioning the Future is to provide to the congregation one or more feasible recommendations for the future physical location of our Hillcrest campus, whether it remains in place, or moves to a different location. Congregation members are encouraged to engage in many aspects of the work through serving on or contacting members of various subcommittees.
There will be a Central Core Committee and four Subcommittees. The Central Core Committee will, among other tasks, help ensure communication and the scheduling of forums, monitor the VTF page on our website and serve as points of contact for the congregation. The Subcommittees are: Stay, Go (when and how), Real Estate (where to go), and Negotiations.
The Stay committee will focus on what it means to stay in this current location including mapping out a trajectory of parking and other revenues, exploring how other income might be created from other sources, assessing options with a smaller budget and what the costs of staying will include, i.e. major maintenance issues and mortgage payoff.
The Go (when and how) committee will focus on aspects of a possible move in regards to when (timing of move) and how – what would be involved to make a move (organ, Memorial Wall, Memorial Garden, etc.) This committee will also need to consider our South Bay campus and its needs (becoming too large for current space). The Go (where) committee would assist in the search for a new location and work closely with the Real Estate and Go committees. It’s understood that a potential place would need to be found before the Central Core committee could make such a recommendation to the congregation.
The Real Estate committee will focus on where and logistics of the move.
The Negotiations team is already formed and its work is to simply negotiate the best possible deal IF the congregation decides to go. This team cannot make any agreement or decision; it’s only able to create a possible informed option should the congregation choose to do this.
We know we have what it takes to explore together, learn together and deliberate together to create a church that continues our legacy and expands our mission in new and bolder ways. ~ Rhiannon Smith, Board President and Rev. Kathleen Owens, Lead Minister
Volunteer on a VTF Task Force Subcommittee
Your help is needed in engaging in the work of information gathering, planning and deliberating together about possible options regarding the Hillcrest campus. There are four subcommittees in need of volunteers with specific skills and talents to help the Board and the Congregation in this work.
Stay Subcommittee needs people who:
Go Subcommittee needs people who:
Real Estate Subcommittee needs people who:
Stay Subcommittee needs people who:
- Know about the church’s budget and budget process
- are creative thinkers
- Keep our South Bay campus in mind
- Outreach to smaller groups within the congregation
- Have Project Management/Manager skills
Go Subcommittee needs people who:
- See a vision of physical space
- Are innovating and Imagineering
- Calendar timelines, especially a couple of years in advance
- Have great organizing skills
Real Estate Subcommittee needs people who:
- See our church in other physical places
- Have an understanding of the church’s needs
- Have an understanding of details about current congregation (how far folks travel to come to church)