Our Mission
The mission of First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego is to create community, to nurture spiritual growth, and to act on our values to help heal the world.
Board Meeting - monthly on the third Tuesday
Board of Trustees meetings are open to congregants via Zoom. Email President Everardo Aguilar at [email protected] for meeting information. Email Board Vice President Valerie Jaques at [email protected]. |
Zoom With Your Board
monthly on the first Sunday 12:30 pm, https://bit.ly/FirstUUBoardChat. Chat with Board members to find out what the Board is working on or voice your accolades and/or concerns for our congregation. |
The Board of Trustees
Our Church Board approves the policies presented by the Executive Team, as long as they are abiding by the Staff Limitations and other goals as set by the Board. In this way, the Board is freed up to be a long-term visioning group, able to discern what goals or ends the congregation wishes to achieve. The Board monitors the progress of the congregation in achieving agreed upon goals and monitors the performance of the Executive Team, in terms of their work towards the achievement of those goals. The Board of Trustees meets on the third Tuesday of each month and the meetings are open to church members.
How to submit an agenda item to the Board
Church members requesting agenda items should fill out the Board Agenda Request Form at the bottom of this page or complete and email a Board Agenda Request Form to [email protected] by the end of business hours on the last day of the month. Items will be addressed at the next meeting. |
2024-2025 Board of Trustees
Developmental Goals for First UU San DiegoThese goals were proposed by the Board of Trustees and chosen by the members by means of a survey. Here are the goals order of importance to the congregation per that survey from the fall of 2021:
Nominating CommitteeContact: [email protected]
Members of the Nominating Committee:
Throughout our website, forms are posted alongside the content they pertain to. For example, The Window submission form is on The Window page. For more forms, see our Forms page.