The 8th Principle
“We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”
“Nosotros, las congregaciones miembros de la Asociación Unitaria Universalista, nos comprometemos a afirmar y promover: el camino hacia la integridad espiritual para construir una Comunidad Amada diversa y multicultural a través de nuestras acciones responsables que desmantelen el racismo y otras opresiones en nosotros y en nuestras instituciones.”
“Nosotros, las congregaciones miembros de la Asociación Unitaria Universalista, nos comprometemos a afirmar y promover: el camino hacia la integridad espiritual para construir una Comunidad Amada diversa y multicultural a través de nuestras acciones responsables que desmantelen el racismo y otras opresiones en nosotros y en nuestras instituciones.”
Our congregation is in discernment about adopting the 8th Principle.
The Board is anticipating to bring the item the congregation for a vote at our annual meeting on June 20.
Visit the National 8th Principle Website
The Board is anticipating to bring the item the congregation for a vote at our annual meeting on June 20.
Visit the National 8th Principle Website
Happy Hours on the 8th Principle Join us for informal conversation with interesting folks about the 8th Principle. Come ask questions, share opinions for one hour on May 15, 4:30 pm. |
For information on the UUA process for adoption of the 8th Principle, please go to: |
Read Our FAQs about the 8th Principle
Read an essay on the 8th Principle by Tom Owen-Towle
Read a reflection on the 8th Principle by Tony Brumfield
Read an article published in First Words Magazine on the 8th Principle
Read an essay on the 8th Principle by Tom Owen-Towle
Read a reflection on the 8th Principle by Tony Brumfield
Read an article published in First Words Magazine on the 8th Principle
8th Principle Forum 01/17/2021
8th Principle Forum 01/24/2021