You Are Welcome Here
You are warmly invited to get to know us - in whatever way you feel most at ease. We know that some folks prefer a quiet "checking us out" method while others want to "jump right in" and test the waters - and there are many ways you can find out more about this faith community that accommodate every style!

Attend Worship
Our Sunday services are a great way to experience our community. While our services follow the same basic structure - each is different! Attending several services will give you a good sense of our church community and allow you to see if this can be your faith home. For more information on what to expect on Sunday morning, scroll down to learn more!
Bring the Family
We have a Nursery staffed by professional providers and we have a "wiggle room" in our Meeting House. Children are welcome to enjoy the beginning of each Worship Service with the entire congregation and are then invited to join with the appropriate age group for Religious Education classes. Our Children's and Youth RE classes are fun learning opportunities that can include arts and crafts, games, and discussion.
Stay for Social Hour
After each worship service, volunteers work hard at providing a fabulous offering of coffee, tea and refreshments. We also sell organic, fair trade coffee. On many Sundays, homemade, organic and vegan fare is commonplace. Join us as we visit, renew, and socialize in Bard Hall following each service.
Visit our Book Room
Our Hillcrest campus has a welcoming Book Room which is open on Sundays before, between and after services. There you'll find low cost new and gently used books, audio, maps, magazines and friendly volunteers on hand to assist.
Attend a 'Making Connections at First UU' Meeting
These meetings take place following both services on the first and third Sunday of each month. Join the Connections Committee to learn about the groups and activities on campus and how you can plug in to all this community has to offer.
Take a Class
The Religious Education program at First Church offers classes of interest year-round. Every few months, First UU offers a course called Building Sacred Ground. Facilitated by ministers, staff and lay leaders, Building Sacred Ground is an experiential four-session program to help people explore Unitarian Universalism, share personal foundations of faith, and get to know a small group of people very well. The series ends with a private tea with ministers where you have a chance to visit, socialize and dialogue. This series is appropriate for newcomers as well as longtime UUs. Classes and courses are also a great way to connect with new friends. For more information, visit our Adult Faith Formation page.
Become A Member
Membership is a sacred and transformative process and members are asked to participate in church life as fully as possible by carrying out our shared mission to create community, nurture spiritual growth, and act on our values to heal the world. It’s a good idea to attend worship services for at least three months in order to get to know the nature of the community, the theology and the background of Unitarian Universalism before becoming a church member. More information on membership is given during the quarterly “Becoming a Member Orientation” held the first Sunday of January, April, July, and October at the Hillcrest campus, following worship services. You can also learn more instantly at our Become a Member page.
Our Sunday services are a great way to experience our community. While our services follow the same basic structure - each is different! Attending several services will give you a good sense of our church community and allow you to see if this can be your faith home. For more information on what to expect on Sunday morning, scroll down to learn more!
Bring the Family
We have a Nursery staffed by professional providers and we have a "wiggle room" in our Meeting House. Children are welcome to enjoy the beginning of each Worship Service with the entire congregation and are then invited to join with the appropriate age group for Religious Education classes. Our Children's and Youth RE classes are fun learning opportunities that can include arts and crafts, games, and discussion.
Stay for Social Hour
After each worship service, volunteers work hard at providing a fabulous offering of coffee, tea and refreshments. We also sell organic, fair trade coffee. On many Sundays, homemade, organic and vegan fare is commonplace. Join us as we visit, renew, and socialize in Bard Hall following each service.
Visit our Book Room
Our Hillcrest campus has a welcoming Book Room which is open on Sundays before, between and after services. There you'll find low cost new and gently used books, audio, maps, magazines and friendly volunteers on hand to assist.
Attend a 'Making Connections at First UU' Meeting
These meetings take place following both services on the first and third Sunday of each month. Join the Connections Committee to learn about the groups and activities on campus and how you can plug in to all this community has to offer.
Take a Class
The Religious Education program at First Church offers classes of interest year-round. Every few months, First UU offers a course called Building Sacred Ground. Facilitated by ministers, staff and lay leaders, Building Sacred Ground is an experiential four-session program to help people explore Unitarian Universalism, share personal foundations of faith, and get to know a small group of people very well. The series ends with a private tea with ministers where you have a chance to visit, socialize and dialogue. This series is appropriate for newcomers as well as longtime UUs. Classes and courses are also a great way to connect with new friends. For more information, visit our Adult Faith Formation page.
Become A Member
Membership is a sacred and transformative process and members are asked to participate in church life as fully as possible by carrying out our shared mission to create community, nurture spiritual growth, and act on our values to heal the world. It’s a good idea to attend worship services for at least three months in order to get to know the nature of the community, the theology and the background of Unitarian Universalism before becoming a church member. More information on membership is given during the quarterly “Becoming a Member Orientation” held the first Sunday of January, April, July, and October at the Hillcrest campus, following worship services. You can also learn more instantly at our Become a Member page.
What should I expect on my first Sunday visit?
What should I wear?
As you prepare for the visit, wear what you please. You'll see people in skirts or shirts, slacks, and neckties as well as in shorts, jeans, and t-shirts. Generally, most people wear “business casual”, but there are no expectations. Dress in a way that is comfortable for you!
When should I arrive and where should I park?
Whether you’re attending our Hillcrest or South Bay campus, we recommend that you arrive 15-20 minutes early, especially if you are visiting for the first time. Hillcrest parking is available in our parking lot and is always free during Sunday services. Should this lot be full, the parking attendant will provide you with information for complimentary parking in the nearby UCSD parking structure. The South Bay campus is located in a store front and has ample parking. For directions to both see our Contact page.
As you prepare for the visit, wear what you please. You'll see people in skirts or shirts, slacks, and neckties as well as in shorts, jeans, and t-shirts. Generally, most people wear “business casual”, but there are no expectations. Dress in a way that is comfortable for you!
When should I arrive and where should I park?
Whether you’re attending our Hillcrest or South Bay campus, we recommend that you arrive 15-20 minutes early, especially if you are visiting for the first time. Hillcrest parking is available in our parking lot and is always free during Sunday services. Should this lot be full, the parking attendant will provide you with information for complimentary parking in the nearby UCSD parking structure. The South Bay campus is located in a store front and has ample parking. For directions to both see our Contact page.
Where do I go now that I am on campus?

Note: Due to public health guidelines, we will be meeting outdoors for Sunday services until further notice. Services in Hillcrest take place on our large patio under shade sails. At our South Bay campus, services are being held in the parking lot on alternating Saturdays. Please see our Newsletter for details as things change! The information below can be used as a general guide, but some specifics may be different when you visit.
Hillcrest Campus
From the Ace parking lot, enter the upper campus via either set of gates. If you are entering from the UCSD parking structure, there is a set of stairs leading to the campus. View a map of our campus.
It's a great idea to begin you visit at our Welcome Table to fill out a visitor card and receive a visitor packet and a name tag while you are greeted by friendly volunteers. Here you can also pick up a copy of our weekly newsletter The Window which details many of the exciting activities happening on campus throughout the week. The Welcome Table is located on the lower patio. Read the current edition of the Window
The Meeting House, where services are held when we have indoor services, is a large building on the lower patio with glass doors and a large fountain right at the entrance. Ushers are available at the doors to greet you and answer any questions you might have. If you have time before the service, the tables on the patio in front of the Meeting House are a great place to find information on groups and activities on campus. If it is raining, you can find the tables inside Bard Hall – the large social hall across from the Meeting House entrance, in the building known as the Welcome Center. This is also where Social Hour is held after service. Next to the Meeting House, you will find the Book Room – a great source for new and used books and magazines and a place to meet new friends before and after service. Restrooms are located off the upper patio, near the Welcome Table, and in the Welcome Center Lower Level. Gender neutral restrooms are located in the Welcome Center on the Middle and Upper Levels. Drinking fountains are in the Welcome Center, Lower Level, between the restrooms.
Hillcrest Campus
From the Ace parking lot, enter the upper campus via either set of gates. If you are entering from the UCSD parking structure, there is a set of stairs leading to the campus. View a map of our campus.
It's a great idea to begin you visit at our Welcome Table to fill out a visitor card and receive a visitor packet and a name tag while you are greeted by friendly volunteers. Here you can also pick up a copy of our weekly newsletter The Window which details many of the exciting activities happening on campus throughout the week. The Welcome Table is located on the lower patio. Read the current edition of the Window
The Meeting House, where services are held when we have indoor services, is a large building on the lower patio with glass doors and a large fountain right at the entrance. Ushers are available at the doors to greet you and answer any questions you might have. If you have time before the service, the tables on the patio in front of the Meeting House are a great place to find information on groups and activities on campus. If it is raining, you can find the tables inside Bard Hall – the large social hall across from the Meeting House entrance, in the building known as the Welcome Center. This is also where Social Hour is held after service. Next to the Meeting House, you will find the Book Room – a great source for new and used books and magazines and a place to meet new friends before and after service. Restrooms are located off the upper patio, near the Welcome Table, and in the Welcome Center Lower Level. Gender neutral restrooms are located in the Welcome Center on the Middle and Upper Levels. Drinking fountains are in the Welcome Center, Lower Level, between the restrooms.

South Bay Campus
As you enter the building, you will be greeted by volunteers who will give you a name tag and a visitor’s packet and answer any questions that you may have. The door opens into the Social Hall, where there will be refreshments after services. The Worship Space is immediately to the left of the front door and has ample seating.
As you enter the building, you will be greeted by volunteers who will give you a name tag and a visitor’s packet and answer any questions that you may have. The door opens into the Social Hall, where there will be refreshments after services. The Worship Space is immediately to the left of the front door and has ample seating.
What happens during the service?
Content of individual services will vary – during the year we will have Child Dedications, Extinguishing the Flame for deceased members, Flower Communion, Coming of Age, Bridging, and special holiday and music services – and there are commonalities in all services.
If you’re not from a Unitarian Universalist background, the format of the service still may be familiar to you, though the content will be wide-ranging, with topics from spiritual growth to social justice. As Unitarian Universalists, our sources are varied. Most services include readings (silent and responsive), announcements and affirmations, prayers and silent meditations. At times, throughout the service you are asked to rise, if you are able, and so moved. Learn about our Principles and Sources.
Music is offered in every service. It may include several hymns, recorded music, guest musicians, or our vocal and hand bell choirs. Most services include a silent meditation, and may include a responsive reading. Most services include a message which is delivered by a minister, intern, or guest speaker. To have an idea of what these are like, watch a sermon video.
There is a free-will offering, though guests are welcome to let the pouch pass by. Unless pledged, 85% of our Generosity Donations go to a local non-profit organization.
The extinguishing of the chalice signals the end of the service. Services tend to last about an hour. It is our custom to remain seated during the postlude. After the service, you will have a chance to greet and speak to the ministers, if you wish. Following the service, we invite you to join us at Social Hour for refreshments. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions about the services, current events, and social activities, our religious education programs for children and adults, access to restrooms, or anything else. We would like to know you, and to help you feel at home.
If you’re not from a Unitarian Universalist background, the format of the service still may be familiar to you, though the content will be wide-ranging, with topics from spiritual growth to social justice. As Unitarian Universalists, our sources are varied. Most services include readings (silent and responsive), announcements and affirmations, prayers and silent meditations. At times, throughout the service you are asked to rise, if you are able, and so moved. Learn about our Principles and Sources.
Music is offered in every service. It may include several hymns, recorded music, guest musicians, or our vocal and hand bell choirs. Most services include a silent meditation, and may include a responsive reading. Most services include a message which is delivered by a minister, intern, or guest speaker. To have an idea of what these are like, watch a sermon video.
There is a free-will offering, though guests are welcome to let the pouch pass by. Unless pledged, 85% of our Generosity Donations go to a local non-profit organization.
The extinguishing of the chalice signals the end of the service. Services tend to last about an hour. It is our custom to remain seated during the postlude. After the service, you will have a chance to greet and speak to the ministers, if you wish. Following the service, we invite you to join us at Social Hour for refreshments. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions about the services, current events, and social activities, our religious education programs for children and adults, access to restrooms, or anything else. We would like to know you, and to help you feel at home.
What should I do if I have a specific need related to accessibility?
Our entire campus is ADA compliant with ramps available throughout. There is wheelchair drop-off for the Meeting House available at the turn-around, via the drive located to the right of the ACE Parking Booth. Parking is not allowed in this access drive as it is a fire lane, and must be kept clear at all times. There is an elevator in the Welcome Center, serving all three levels. There is a lift in the Meeting House to access the choir loft. Our 11:30AM service at the Hillcrest campus has American Sign Language (ASL) Interpretation.
Service and Emotional Support Animals are welcome on campus and in the Meeting House where our services are held. Please be sure the dogs are clearly identified. ESA owners are asked to obtain a First UU Service Dog tag from the Administration Office.
In the Meeting House at the Hillcrest Campus, there is “fragrance-free” seating in the far pews for those who need or prefer to avoid scents and perfumes. This area is marked; please ask an usher to direct you.
There are also hearing devices, and large-print hymnals, and Orders of Service for those who need them. Please ask an usher if you need to use any of these items.
Service and Emotional Support Animals are welcome on campus and in the Meeting House where our services are held. Please be sure the dogs are clearly identified. ESA owners are asked to obtain a First UU Service Dog tag from the Administration Office.
In the Meeting House at the Hillcrest Campus, there is “fragrance-free” seating in the far pews for those who need or prefer to avoid scents and perfumes. This area is marked; please ask an usher to direct you.
There are also hearing devices, and large-print hymnals, and Orders of Service for those who need them. Please ask an usher if you need to use any of these items.
What does the church offer for children and families on Sundays?
Hillcrest Campus
We are delighted that you and your children are attending First Church and children of all ages are welcome in the Meeting House during the services. For your convenience, a quiet Wiggle Room is available at the back of the Meeting House. We also provide child care for young children and religious education for older children year round. Programs vary according to the season and service time. Childcare for younger children is available prior to each service. Children usually stay in the sanctuary for the first 10 or 15 minutes for the welcome message, announcements, and a story or activity geared to children. All children are invited down to the chancel, around the chalice, for the Children’s Affirmation. Children then leave the Meeting House to go to the patio where they meet their Religious Education leaders, and go to their classes – parents may accompany their children, if they wish. Parents and caregivers are expected to pick up their children from their classrooms within 15 minutes of the end of the service. Learn more at our Children's Religious Education page.
South Bay Campus
Childcare for younger children is provided in the Worship Space. Older children and youth are welcome to join adults in the larger worship service.
We are delighted that you and your children are attending First Church and children of all ages are welcome in the Meeting House during the services. For your convenience, a quiet Wiggle Room is available at the back of the Meeting House. We also provide child care for young children and religious education for older children year round. Programs vary according to the season and service time. Childcare for younger children is available prior to each service. Children usually stay in the sanctuary for the first 10 or 15 minutes for the welcome message, announcements, and a story or activity geared to children. All children are invited down to the chancel, around the chalice, for the Children’s Affirmation. Children then leave the Meeting House to go to the patio where they meet their Religious Education leaders, and go to their classes – parents may accompany their children, if they wish. Parents and caregivers are expected to pick up their children from their classrooms within 15 minutes of the end of the service. Learn more at our Children's Religious Education page.
South Bay Campus
Childcare for younger children is provided in the Worship Space. Older children and youth are welcome to join adults in the larger worship service.