Engaged in the work of the church
In addition to worship services, community connections, music offerings and educational opportunities, First Church also offers a wide variety of programs.
Ministry Teams
First UU Church is organized into “Ministry Teams,” or, clusters of groups engaged in the work of the church. A Ministry Team is a collection of church volunteers who work and play together in groups to heal our planet, create positive, progressive change, and live out our liberal religious values in meaningful community with one another. A Ministry Team is like a smaller “tribe” within a larger church village. All activity that goes on in the life of First Church, happens through the hearts, hands, and minds of the Ministry Teams.
Today we have eight such teams; Caring, Generosity, Larger UU Connections, Lifespan Religious Growth & Learning, Connections, Social Justice, South Bay and Worship & Program. Each ministry team is made up of the individual groups of the church, such as the Practical Care Network, Friends of de Benneville Pines, Men’s Fellowship, UUWomen, Earth Centered Spirituality Circle, and Young Adults 25-35. Each ministry team is “led” by at least one lay leader working with at least one staff person. Currently, about 65 groups create programs and activities in support of our mission and Unitarian Universalist values.
Today we have eight such teams; Caring, Generosity, Larger UU Connections, Lifespan Religious Growth & Learning, Connections, Social Justice, South Bay and Worship & Program. Each ministry team is made up of the individual groups of the church, such as the Practical Care Network, Friends of de Benneville Pines, Men’s Fellowship, UUWomen, Earth Centered Spirituality Circle, and Young Adults 25-35. Each ministry team is “led” by at least one lay leader working with at least one staff person. Currently, about 65 groups create programs and activities in support of our mission and Unitarian Universalist values.
Anyone can get involved and everyone is welcome! Volunteer opportunities for various programs are listed on their individual pages throughout our website.
Specific contact information for our programs is listed on each page.