Worship services - Celebraciones dominicalesGracias y Bendiciones
Saturdays, 9:45 am — 10 am, South Bay Campus. These bilingual weekly gatherings will focus on songs and blessings, and will offer our entire community--including Food Pantry volunteers and guests—the opportunity for centering and spiritual nourishment. These gatherings will be led by ministers and song-leaders. South Bay Worship Gathering Sundays, 10 am, South Bay Worship Hall. Join the South Bay community to watch the livestream of the Hillcrest service together every Sunday this summer at 10 am. These services will be hosted by members of the South Bay worship community. For the current Order of Service and more info see our Online Worship page. |
A thriving, multicultural campus
Unitarian Universalists of the South Bay is a thriving, multicultural campus of the First Unitarian Universalist Church. While we have two campuses, we are one church and share the mission to create community, nurture spiritual growth, and act on our values to help heal the world. Our South Bay Campus is located in Chula Vista and offers a variety of ways to engage meaningfully with our congregation and the larger community. We hope you’ll visit and become involved in this beloved community!
Social Justice & Service
Acting on our values to help heal the world is a central part of our mission as a congregation. We do this work in a variety of ways, including:
South Bay Singers Rehearsal
Sundays, 11:45 am — 1 pm, South Bay Campus. For details contact [email protected]. Volunteers Wanted Can you help out as a volunteer? We're looking for help with setting up, welcoming attendees, helping in the services, assisting with translation services, technology help and more. To see tasks available and sign up please go to forms.gle/3BCDjFq7prJw9Hjy6. Thank you! |

Community Building
After service, Social Hour is a great place for members and visitors to get to know one another over coffee, tea and light snacks. For visitors, there’s also an opportunity to ask questions and get oriented at our Welcome Table each Sunday. If you’ve been attending for a while and are considering making First UU your church home, you can find out more about membership by speaking with the South Bay Coordinator or Intern Minister. Every other month, the South Bay Neighborhood Group meets and has a potluck at a different member’s home. This is a great way to get to know UUs that live in the South Bay. Look for details in South Bay Newsletter for the next potluck. Throughout the year, we also honor the holidays and seasons with different community activities, including: our annual Tamalada, building the Day of the Dead Altar, Resurrection Art at Easter, and Caroling in the winter.
After service, Social Hour is a great place for members and visitors to get to know one another over coffee, tea and light snacks. For visitors, there’s also an opportunity to ask questions and get oriented at our Welcome Table each Sunday. If you’ve been attending for a while and are considering making First UU your church home, you can find out more about membership by speaking with the South Bay Coordinator or Intern Minister. Every other month, the South Bay Neighborhood Group meets and has a potluck at a different member’s home. This is a great way to get to know UUs that live in the South Bay. Look for details in South Bay Newsletter for the next potluck. Throughout the year, we also honor the holidays and seasons with different community activities, including: our annual Tamalada, building the Day of the Dead Altar, Resurrection Art at Easter, and Caroling in the winter.

The South Bay Caregivers Network supports the needs of our members & friends. Services we may provide include:
The South Bay Caregivers Network supports the needs of our members & friends. Services we may provide include:
- Rides to church or medical appointments
- Emergency meals & grocery shopping
- Homes visits, phone calls and supercards
- Loan of medical equipment
- Referrals to community resources