![]() Dearest community, As vaccines begin to roll out and we mark the longest nights of the year, many of us are celebrating our first hints of future light and hope at the end of what has been a long and lonely ten months. Your re-opening committee has been meeting regularly to discuss not how to open our church – our church community has always been open – but when we might be able to see one another in person and how we can best do that safely.
By Maureen McNair
I met the homeless man I will call Angelo in a moment of synchronicity. Angelo, who was so gracious, considers his life a success. I want you to meet him too, at least virtually. Here are the events that converged to bring us together and what he shared about himself. County Public Health closed down another food pantry in Chula Vista for a couple weeks because that pantry has an outbreak of Covid-19. Again. Pantries cover for one another, so last Monday, I drove over to a donor of the closed pantry to pickup 185 pounds of free frozen meat. Our clients at the South Bay Food Pantry will be thrilled to receive such a bounty the Saturday before Christmas! Friday, Dec. 18th at 7:00pm. This is a ‘one-time-event’, so mark your calendars NOW! All lyrics will be scrolled during the Zoom Singalong, or you can download the lyrics in advance here, or you can use a separate device to download and view the lyrics. A maximum of 100 devices will be able to sign-on to the Singalong. There will be some time to say ‘Hello’ to others before and after the Singalong. Hope to 'see' you for an hour of singing some of your favorite holiday songs with your UU community!
In September 2020, members of the Living the Homestretch committee shared a presentation on many different ways that people can learn, explore, and entertain themselves while remaining safe at home or socially distancing. The ideas shared ranged from scenic local walks, to programs offered by universities, to virtually visiting museums, and even to taking a peek into outer space! While some programs are specific to elders, many options are open to people of all ages. At the end of the meeting, participants shared their own ideas for fun and enriching pandemic activities, adding more options for anyone looking for a meaningful way to spend some winter weeks indoors. Check out the list here: safe_pandemic_activities.pdf.
Are you feeling alone? The NAMI (National Association for Mental Illness) has many helpful resources that might help. To learn about them, visit namisandiego.org/covid-19/.
![]() The Reopening Team has been researching and responding to your questions as our region continues to experience fluctuating and sometimes confusing COVID guidelines. As San Diego is currently in Tier 1 (Purple) on the state's infection scae, gatherings of any size are considered unsafe. However, we have been sharing ideas and we invite you to read the questions and answers so far. Steve H. sent in this one "I agree that we cannot get back to “normal” for many, many months, maybe years. But that does not mean that we must have no in-person activities. Please tell me if you think this suggestion is not advisable, and why." ![]() By Maureen McNair Less than two miles from our South Bay Food Pantry in Chula Vista, UC San Diego Medical School is conducting a Covid-19 prevention study to evaluate a vaccine. Pantry volunteer Jude Outwater, a senior at Lesley University in Boston and son of Board Vice President Julie Forrest, organized a visit by a representative from the Medical School to recruit study volunteers. Medical School Community Outreach Specialist Aaron Gutierrez spoke to Pantry clients and volunteers to find adults, aged 18 and older, who are more likely to be exposed to Covid-19 and who might be interested in participating in the study, which does provide compensation. Sunday, Dec 6, 10:30 am, https://bit.ly/FirstUUBoardChat. Chat with Board members to find out what the Board is working on or voice your accolades and/or concerns for our congregation.
South Bay Food Pantry Nears First Year Anniversary after Distributing over 100,000 Pounds of Food12/2/2020
We only had a few cans of food on hand and told her we had no opening plans yet. But, we offered to give her food. We gave her several cans of food with pop tops. She turned out to be the first client at our South Bay Food Pantry.
![]() We won't be putting up an actual tree this year, but we will be creating a two-dimensional paper tree for Bard Hall's window! If you'd like to help decorate that tree, print out the PDF, decorate the ornament and/or paper chain strips, cut them out and return to church. You can drop them off at the Holiday Drive Through or drop them in the Main Office mail slot no later than noon on Dec 19, 2020. |
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December 2024