On April 23, the OSF Steering Team held its second meeting with updates shared.
Deferred Maintenance Update: Work has begun on a spreadsheet of room-by-room information to assess our deferred maintenance status. Once completed, a Facilities Condition Assessment will take place—sometime in May. Real Estate Update (part of both “Go” and “Redevelop/Share”): The commercial real estate professional used for our Stay/Go process in 2019 has been contacted and will work with us again. In addition to seeking potential new locations for us to consider, commercial developers will be contacted to get their input on interest in working on a redevelopment process with the congregation. Two team members will meet with St. Paul’s Project Manager prior to approaching the developer of their project. Additionally, the OSF team will reach out to non-profit organizations who may be interested in partnering with us. Use/Non-use of First UU Facilities: A review of our calendar has been completed to understand the level of use and non-use of our facilities and begin thinking how we might make better use of our rooms/facility if the decision is to stay. What are our actual needs? How can we use our space more efficiently throughout the week? Ensuring South Bay’s Needs Are Considered: Folding in information about South Bay’s needs is an important aspect for the team to include in its work.
Note: This information has been sent as an eblast and has been published in the April 2024 First Words.
One of the congregation’s Developmental Goals is to “[d]ecide whether to remain in our Hillcrest campus or sell the property and relocate.” That work had begun before the pandemic and has been on hold since 2020. The Board and Rev. Justine promised the congregation the discussion would be addressed this church year. As a first step, at a congregational meeting on January 28th, our ministers led us in a conversation where a third possibility was introduced—to redevelop the Hillcrest campus for joint use with another entity (which could be UCSD). The next step has been to establish a team to oversee/coordinate a process leading us to a decision. |
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December 2024