By Robie Evans, Director of Operations, [email protected]
On Friday, November 10, 2023, First UU San Diego was notified by @YouTube that our YouTube channel had been removed. We were terminated based on findings under their Community Guidelines Policies which include: Spam, deceptive practices & Scams policies, defined as:
After reviewing these policies in detail, we’ve made two separate appeals letting them know that we have NEVER knowingly done anything in violation of the Spam, Deceptive Practices & Scams policies in the many, many years of publishing our videos on YouTube. We believe this removal was in error and our case needs to be reviewed by a human. We also believe that an algorithm perpetuated this removal, and if this is the case, they will need to humanly re-review the video(s) in question. In trying to determine what might have caused this termination, the only thing we’ve come up with is perhaps someone with malicious intent reported one or more of our videos to YouTube. We’re hoping this wasn’t the case, but rather an algorithm issue. To our further chagrin, once we put in an appeal to @YouTube, we were catapulted into a vicious cycle of automated replies, automated admonitions, and all-around “how do I get a real person to answer/help me?” Yes, it is extremely frustrating. I promise to be my wonderful, charming self if I could only exchange some sort of communication with a living, breathing human being. Don’t get me wrong. We absolutely LOVE @YouTube! And, we promise upon re-instatement of our YouTube channel, we vow to be extra diligent in our handling of our videos in this important streaming platform and hope to enjoy many, many more years with @YouTube! Please, @YouTube, if someone from your company reads this, please email me so we can work this out. We would love to hear from you. Here’s my email: [email protected] Thanking you in advance for your prompt communication!
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December 2024