Unfolding Peace
We continue to center our healing journey towards wholeness as a congregation. Ever Unfolding and Peace Ministry are a complimentary collaboration designed to sacredly and gently facilitate healing and humane congregation operations informed by deep spiritual inspiration and evolution.
The Unfolding Peace Program
January 2022 - In collaboration with Rev. Dr. Denise Graves of Peace Ministry (building relationships that enhance our world) and Rev. Deanna Vandiver of Ever Unfolding (a ministry of spiritual accompaniment and creativity for beloveds on the journey of shared liberation), First UU will live into our mission of creating community, nurturing spiritual growth, and acting on our values to help heal the world (of which we are a part). We give thanks we are not alone on this transformational faith formation journey. This facilitation team, both members of the Church of the Larger Fellowship UU, will be working with First UU through 2022, including during the first six weeks of the year as Rev. Deanna Vandiver serves as our Minister in Residence.
With a focus on relationships which aligns with our December and January Listening Circles, Rev. Deanna & Rev. Denise have proposed four phases:
These phases will offer us an invitation to:
There will be a physical presence of Rev. Deanna as Minister in Residence from January to mid-February 2022 and a listening and sermon visit for Rev. Denise. Regular updates will be provided with the designated person, persons, or committees regarding beginnings and completions of each phase. We know human lives are fluid and a multitude of circumstances impact how emotional, spiritual, and developmental energies flow. Since listening facilitators have been trained and listening sessions are in progress, we will want to collaborate with the facilitators regarding their findings and infuse the revelations in the ever unfolding work. This work with Rev. Deanna and Rev. Denise will be a part of the bridge process journeying from today’s challenges to the wild compassion of our future. May it be so.
In order of most recent at the top. To read from the beginning, scroll to the bottom of the page.
Unfolding Peace - Phase 2 Report: Relationships: Process Nourishment Update
June 14, 2022 - "To build community requires vigilant awareness of the work we must continually do to undermine all the socialization that leads us to behave in ways that perpetuate domination." ~ bell hooks, Teaching Community: A Pedagogy of Hope. Download the Unfolding Peace - Phase 2 Report.
June 14, 2022 - "To build community requires vigilant awareness of the work we must continually do to undermine all the socialization that leads us to behave in ways that perpetuate domination." ~ bell hooks, Teaching Community: A Pedagogy of Hope. Download the Unfolding Peace - Phase 2 Report.

Unfolding Peace – New Opportunities for Voice and Healing
May 30, 2022 - Rev. Dr. Denise Graves, co-facilitator of our Unfolding Peace healing process hopes to meet with those whose voices have not yet been heard in our Listening Circles. Three Invitations to Voice and Healing are now scheduled – two via Zoom and one in-person. The Invitation to Voice and Healing conversations are designed to be a collective experience of being deeply witnessed and honored in our inherent worth and dignity. Unfolding Peace co-facilitator Rev. Deanna Vandiver plans to join us for one of our zoom sessions this week as well. Rev. Denise Graves will also be with us for Saturday worship at South Bay campus and on Sunday morning at Hillcrest Campus. Please see the schedule below.
6/1/22, Wednesday morning, 10 am — 11:30 am in-person, Hillcrest Campus - Invitation to Voice and Healing with Rev. Dr. Denise Graves and Rev. Suzelle Lynch, Minister in Residence. Hillcrest patio (location may change – please follow the directional signs). All are welcome - bring your coffee or morning beverage. Masking not required for outdoor meeting.)
6/1/22 Wednesday evening, 6:30 – 8:00 pm via Zoom -- Invitation to Voice and Healing with Rev. Dr. Denise Graves and Rev. Suzelle Lynch, Minister in Residence. Please note that we welcome babes in arms or children in the background of the zoom call.
Meeting ID: 997 1297 6821 Passcode: 613906
6/2/22, Thursday, 6:00 pm-8:00 pm via Zoom - Invitation to Voice and Healing for First UU BIPOC community and non-BIPOC spouses or partners. Please RSVP for the June 2 conversation by emailing Minister-in-Residence Rev. Suzelle Lynch suzelle@firstuusandiego and a zoom link will be emailed to you. Please note that we welcome babes in arms or children in the background of the zoom call.
6/4/22, Saturday, 4 pm – South Bay Campus Worship service, in person. Rev. Denise will attend worship with our South Bay community and looks forward to meeting you.
6/5/22, Sunday, 8:45 – 9:20 am – Hillcrest Campus – Meet Rev. Denise before the 9:30 am worship service at Hillcrest Campus. Coffee will be available.
ABOUT UNFOLDING PEACE: Love and democracy are messy, and sharing our voices, thoughts, and feelings is an important step on the path towards healing. Our Unfolding Peace is collaboration designed to sacredly and gently facilitate healing and humane congregation operations informed by deep spiritual inspiration and evolution. Rev. Deanna Vandiver plans to join us for some of our zoom sessions this week as well. FUUSD has engaged Rev. Dr. Denise Graves and Rev. Deanna Vandiver to work with First UU through 2022.
May 30, 2022 - Rev. Dr. Denise Graves, co-facilitator of our Unfolding Peace healing process hopes to meet with those whose voices have not yet been heard in our Listening Circles. Three Invitations to Voice and Healing are now scheduled – two via Zoom and one in-person. The Invitation to Voice and Healing conversations are designed to be a collective experience of being deeply witnessed and honored in our inherent worth and dignity. Unfolding Peace co-facilitator Rev. Deanna Vandiver plans to join us for one of our zoom sessions this week as well. Rev. Denise Graves will also be with us for Saturday worship at South Bay campus and on Sunday morning at Hillcrest Campus. Please see the schedule below.
6/1/22, Wednesday morning, 10 am — 11:30 am in-person, Hillcrest Campus - Invitation to Voice and Healing with Rev. Dr. Denise Graves and Rev. Suzelle Lynch, Minister in Residence. Hillcrest patio (location may change – please follow the directional signs). All are welcome - bring your coffee or morning beverage. Masking not required for outdoor meeting.)
6/1/22 Wednesday evening, 6:30 – 8:00 pm via Zoom -- Invitation to Voice and Healing with Rev. Dr. Denise Graves and Rev. Suzelle Lynch, Minister in Residence. Please note that we welcome babes in arms or children in the background of the zoom call.
Meeting ID: 997 1297 6821 Passcode: 613906
6/2/22, Thursday, 6:00 pm-8:00 pm via Zoom - Invitation to Voice and Healing for First UU BIPOC community and non-BIPOC spouses or partners. Please RSVP for the June 2 conversation by emailing Minister-in-Residence Rev. Suzelle Lynch suzelle@firstuusandiego and a zoom link will be emailed to you. Please note that we welcome babes in arms or children in the background of the zoom call.
6/4/22, Saturday, 4 pm – South Bay Campus Worship service, in person. Rev. Denise will attend worship with our South Bay community and looks forward to meeting you.
6/5/22, Sunday, 8:45 – 9:20 am – Hillcrest Campus – Meet Rev. Denise before the 9:30 am worship service at Hillcrest Campus. Coffee will be available.
ABOUT UNFOLDING PEACE: Love and democracy are messy, and sharing our voices, thoughts, and feelings is an important step on the path towards healing. Our Unfolding Peace is collaboration designed to sacredly and gently facilitate healing and humane congregation operations informed by deep spiritual inspiration and evolution. Rev. Deanna Vandiver plans to join us for some of our zoom sessions this week as well. FUUSD has engaged Rev. Dr. Denise Graves and Rev. Deanna Vandiver to work with First UU through 2022.
Unfolding Peace Continues - Join the Conversation
May 26, 2022 - Rev. Dr. Denise Graves, co-facilitator of our Unfolding Peace healing process will be with us from May 31 to June 5. Rev. Dr. Graves would like to meet with those whose voices have not yet been heard in the process that began with our Listening Circles last Fall. Two Invitations to Voice and Healing are currently scheduled (see below). If you cannot attend one of these meetings and would like to meet with Rev. Denise with a small group or one-on-one, please let Rev. Suzelle Lynch know ASAP via email at [email protected]. |

Unfolding Peace - Invitations to Voice and Healing – June 1-5
May 19, 2022 - Love and democracy are messy – and sharing our voices, thoughts, and feelings is an important step on the path towards healing. Unfolding Peace is collaboration designed to sacredly and gently facilitate healing and humane congregation operations informed by deep spiritual inspiration and evolution. FUUSD has engaged Rev. Dr. Denise Graves to be with us from May 31 to June 5. She and Rev. Deanna Vandiver will continue to work with FUUSD through 2022.
Two Invitations to Voice and Healing are currently scheduled – see below for more information. These conversations are designed to be a collective experience of being deeply witnessed and honored in our inherent worth and dignity. Rev. Dr. Graves would also like to meet one-on-one with those whose voices have not yet been heard in the process that began with our Listening Circles last Fall. Watch for more information in The Window on how to sign up to meet with her.
6/1/22 Wednesday 10 am – Invitation to Voice and Healing with Rev. Dr. Denise Graves and Rev. Suzelle Lynch, Minister in Residence. FUUSD patio (location may change). All are welcome – bring your coffee or morning beverage.
6/2/22 Thursday 6 pm Zoom – Invitation to Voice and Healing for First UU BIPOC community and non-BIPOC spouses or partners. Please RSVP for the June 2 conversation by emailing Minister-in-Residence Rev. Suzelle Lynch and a zoom link will be emailed to you. Please note that we welcome babes in arms or children in the background of the zoom call.
We hope to schedule additional gatherings with Rev. Dr. Denise Graves as well as we continue to engage in the process of Unfolding Peace. Love and democracy are messy, and sharing our voices, thoughts, and feelings is an important step on the path towards healing. Unfolding Peace is collaboration designed to sacredly and gently facilitate healing and humane congregation operations informed by deep spiritual inspiration and evolution. FUUSD has engaged Rev. Dr. Denise Graves and Rev. Deanna Vandiver to work with First UU through 2022.
May 19, 2022 - Love and democracy are messy – and sharing our voices, thoughts, and feelings is an important step on the path towards healing. Unfolding Peace is collaboration designed to sacredly and gently facilitate healing and humane congregation operations informed by deep spiritual inspiration and evolution. FUUSD has engaged Rev. Dr. Denise Graves to be with us from May 31 to June 5. She and Rev. Deanna Vandiver will continue to work with FUUSD through 2022.
Two Invitations to Voice and Healing are currently scheduled – see below for more information. These conversations are designed to be a collective experience of being deeply witnessed and honored in our inherent worth and dignity. Rev. Dr. Graves would also like to meet one-on-one with those whose voices have not yet been heard in the process that began with our Listening Circles last Fall. Watch for more information in The Window on how to sign up to meet with her.
6/1/22 Wednesday 10 am – Invitation to Voice and Healing with Rev. Dr. Denise Graves and Rev. Suzelle Lynch, Minister in Residence. FUUSD patio (location may change). All are welcome – bring your coffee or morning beverage.
6/2/22 Thursday 6 pm Zoom – Invitation to Voice and Healing for First UU BIPOC community and non-BIPOC spouses or partners. Please RSVP for the June 2 conversation by emailing Minister-in-Residence Rev. Suzelle Lynch and a zoom link will be emailed to you. Please note that we welcome babes in arms or children in the background of the zoom call.
We hope to schedule additional gatherings with Rev. Dr. Denise Graves as well as we continue to engage in the process of Unfolding Peace. Love and democracy are messy, and sharing our voices, thoughts, and feelings is an important step on the path towards healing. Unfolding Peace is collaboration designed to sacredly and gently facilitate healing and humane congregation operations informed by deep spiritual inspiration and evolution. FUUSD has engaged Rev. Dr. Denise Graves and Rev. Deanna Vandiver to work with First UU through 2022.
Unfolding Peace - a Message from Rev. Suzelle
May 12, 2022 - Recently the Interim Exec Team asked Rev. Suzelle Lynch, Minister in Residence, to interface with Rev. Deanna Vandiver and Rev. Dr. Denise Graves, our consultants in the Unfolding Peace process. While the timeline for this process is flexible, it’s intended to have four phases, listed below:
The Unfolding Peace process invites us to continue listening to one another, to have one-on-one conversations with church people we know well or not-so-well, and to pay attention to the flow of feelings that rise up in us as we listen to others. Rev. Deanna suggested that we invite another person to spend time in quiet meditation with us – simply breathing together. You can still do this!
On May 6, Rev. Denise and Rev. Dr. Omega Burckhardt met online with a group of members and leaders to share their responses to watching movies that were suggested. You can still do this, too, and email your thoughts and reflections on the movie you viewed to Rev. Suzelle Lynch and she will share them with Rev. Dr. Denise Graves.
We also encourage you to read the Listening Circles report and the full Unfolding Peace Process Report here: Unfolding Peace Process Report. And if you find yourself with a need for caring listening in general, we hope you will call the Pastoral Care cellphone at (619) 370-0891 to talk with a one of our Lay Minister church members who have been trained in listening skills. We hope to take another important step in the Unfolding Peace process with an in-person visit from Rev. Denise Graves in early June. But you can take important steps any time. If you need support in doing so, please contact Rev. Suzelle and continue to peruse the resources and updates.
May 12, 2022 - Recently the Interim Exec Team asked Rev. Suzelle Lynch, Minister in Residence, to interface with Rev. Deanna Vandiver and Rev. Dr. Denise Graves, our consultants in the Unfolding Peace process. While the timeline for this process is flexible, it’s intended to have four phases, listed below:
- Phase One: Witnessing, Wondering, and Grounding
- Phase Two: Process Nourishment
- Phase Three: Reimagining, Repairing, Reweaving
- Phase Four: Remembrance, Reflection, and Recommitment
The Unfolding Peace process invites us to continue listening to one another, to have one-on-one conversations with church people we know well or not-so-well, and to pay attention to the flow of feelings that rise up in us as we listen to others. Rev. Deanna suggested that we invite another person to spend time in quiet meditation with us – simply breathing together. You can still do this!
On May 6, Rev. Denise and Rev. Dr. Omega Burckhardt met online with a group of members and leaders to share their responses to watching movies that were suggested. You can still do this, too, and email your thoughts and reflections on the movie you viewed to Rev. Suzelle Lynch and she will share them with Rev. Dr. Denise Graves.
We also encourage you to read the Listening Circles report and the full Unfolding Peace Process Report here: Unfolding Peace Process Report. And if you find yourself with a need for caring listening in general, we hope you will call the Pastoral Care cellphone at (619) 370-0891 to talk with a one of our Lay Minister church members who have been trained in listening skills. We hope to take another important step in the Unfolding Peace process with an in-person visit from Rev. Denise Graves in early June. But you can take important steps any time. If you need support in doing so, please contact Rev. Suzelle and continue to peruse the resources and updates.
Unfolding Peace Process Report
April 15, 2022. Download the report.
April 15, 2022. Download the report.
Unfolding Peace at the Movies conversation follow up
Your Board of Trustees, together with the Unfolding Peace Process ministers, Rev. Dr. Denise Graves and Rev. Deanna Vandiver invite all congregants to continue to participate in this healing process by attending the following event:
Topic: Unfolding Peace at the Movies conversation follow up
Time: May 6, 2022 at 6:30 pm
Join Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/98794348989?pwd=VnNaNW9wdEhEOTJCYWhWWHdVNndjZz09
Meeting ID: 987-9434 8989 | Passcode: 545511
Please watch one or all of the following suggested movies below before attending!
Your Board of Trustees, together with the Unfolding Peace Process ministers, Rev. Dr. Denise Graves and Rev. Deanna Vandiver invite all congregants to continue to participate in this healing process by attending the following event:
Topic: Unfolding Peace at the Movies conversation follow up
Time: May 6, 2022 at 6:30 pm
Join Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/98794348989?pwd=VnNaNW9wdEhEOTJCYWhWWHdVNndjZz09
Meeting ID: 987-9434 8989 | Passcode: 545511
Please watch one or all of the following suggested movies below before attending!
Unfolding Peace at the Movies
April 1, 2022 - Dear ones, this week we invite you to bring our Unfolding Peace practice to the movies! We invite you to find and enjoy one (or all) of the following three movies - possibly with someone(s) from the First UU San Diego community and then reflect on the questions here. Later this spring, we will host a zoom conversation to reflect together on our experiences.
Love, Revs. Denise and Deanna
April 1, 2022 - Dear ones, this week we invite you to bring our Unfolding Peace practice to the movies! We invite you to find and enjoy one (or all) of the following three movies - possibly with someone(s) from the First UU San Diego community and then reflect on the questions here. Later this spring, we will host a zoom conversation to reflect together on our experiences.
Love, Revs. Denise and Deanna
- Crash: Sometimes we crash into each other just to feel something through the numbness. How do our crashes reveal our biases to us? How do our unquestioned or unacknowledged biases create un/intentional assaults?
- Hidden Figures: In all of our lives, there are hidden figures that only surface in the time of crisis. Who and what are we unaware of - the hidden figures in our lives, in our congregation? What obstacles are people with targeted identities always overcoming? How do we make real the spirit of Black love and brilliance as strategies for evolving as a congregation in the midst of white supremacy and patriarchy?
- Fifty First Dates: Every day, in many ways, we keep forgetting that we are loved. What is it that you keep forgetting? Who are you trying to prove something to?
Unfolding Peace Invitation
March 25, 2022 - Reconciliation means building relationships on new terms that are equitable. The reconciliation process requires different understandings, integration of learnings, new behaviors, and healing.
Each day brings opportunity for us to know each other more deeply. It is good practice to ask yourself, “Is this moment of communication about transaction or authentic connection?”
One of the keys to building deeper relationships with each other is the opportunity to explore. Hence, this week, we extend the invitation to you to ask another person, with respect and care, “What do you mean by that?” when the question can open up the possibility of authentic connection. “What do you mean by that?” (or What do you mean when you say____? I heard the words, but I’m not clear about your meaning) can be an active demonstration of deeper listening for the purposes of healing and relationship growth and expansion.
Revs. Denise & Deanna
Unfolding Peace
PS: We would love to know how you experienced your shared intentional unfolding peace meditations earlier this month. Please share your experiences here if you are willing and able:
March 25, 2022 - Reconciliation means building relationships on new terms that are equitable. The reconciliation process requires different understandings, integration of learnings, new behaviors, and healing.
Each day brings opportunity for us to know each other more deeply. It is good practice to ask yourself, “Is this moment of communication about transaction or authentic connection?”
One of the keys to building deeper relationships with each other is the opportunity to explore. Hence, this week, we extend the invitation to you to ask another person, with respect and care, “What do you mean by that?” when the question can open up the possibility of authentic connection. “What do you mean by that?” (or What do you mean when you say____? I heard the words, but I’m not clear about your meaning) can be an active demonstration of deeper listening for the purposes of healing and relationship growth and expansion.
Revs. Denise & Deanna
Unfolding Peace
PS: We would love to know how you experienced your shared intentional unfolding peace meditations earlier this month. Please share your experiences here if you are willing and able:
Unfolding Peace Exercise
March 11, 2022 - Dear Ones: As we prepare to accompany you in the next phase of Unfolding Peace, we invite you to prepare as well. This week, please commit to connecting with one person connected with the First UU community virtually or in person. Breathe together - clarifying, intentional breaths for 3 to 5 minutes - holding each other in care as you do so. As you know, most of us participate from personal invitation. After you and another breathe together, share your experience with someone else. (If you wish, together you can revisit the meditation led by Rev. Denise in the Feb. 13th Unfolding Peace service for a guided breathing meditation found at this link, beginning at time mark 39:42). Love, Revs. Denise & Deanna, Unfolding Peace
March 11, 2022 - Dear Ones: As we prepare to accompany you in the next phase of Unfolding Peace, we invite you to prepare as well. This week, please commit to connecting with one person connected with the First UU community virtually or in person. Breathe together - clarifying, intentional breaths for 3 to 5 minutes - holding each other in care as you do so. As you know, most of us participate from personal invitation. After you and another breathe together, share your experience with someone else. (If you wish, together you can revisit the meditation led by Rev. Denise in the Feb. 13th Unfolding Peace service for a guided breathing meditation found at this link, beginning at time mark 39:42). Love, Revs. Denise & Deanna, Unfolding Peace
Who to Contact
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![]() Rev. Deanna Vandiver
Ever Unfolding - a ministry of spiritual accompaniment and creativity for beloveds on the journey of shared liberation. |